Two Days National Level Quadcopter Workshop and Championship on Robo Feast 2015.
Two Days National Level Quadcopter Workshop and Championship on Robo Feast 2015 (In association With IIT Roorkee) on 27 & 28 August,2014. Organized by Department of ECE.
We are happy to inform that Selvam College of Technology – Department of ECE, In association with IIT Roorkee Organizing “Two Days National Level Workshop and Competition” on “Robo Feast ‘15” from August 27, 2014 to August 28, 2014 .We kindly request you to depute your students who are studying in ECE, EEE, IT, CSE, MECH Department from your organization to participate in this workshop at our Institution.
Highlights of 2-Days QuadCopter Workshop:
- Hands-on experience of flying quad copter Kit using Radio Control
- Introduction to Multi Rotor Vehicles & QuadCopter dynamics
- Introduction to design & concepts of Embedded Systems behind the QuadCopter
- Understanding the Electronics circuit ,Fabrication, Calibration & Testing of Quadcopter
- Learning about the working of accelerometer sensors, gyros and controllers -P & PI
- Participation Certificate from RoboFeast’14-15 with association iFest IIT-Roorkee
Eligibility: Engineering and Polytechnic Students(ECE,EEE,CSE,IT,MECH),Arts(BSC CS,Electronics,MSC CS,Electronics)
Registration Fee:Rs 1000/Student.