Fourth National Level Technical Symposium TECHSAT’18.
1.Paperix ( Paper Presentation ) (ECE,EEE,E&I,CSE&IT,MCA)
The Paper can be submitted under the following topics
- Wireless networks,
- Embedded systems,
- VLSI, Fuzzy logic,
- Neural networks,
- Digital signal/image processing,
- Nano technology,
- Avionics, Robotics,
- Medical Electronics,
- Applications of Electronics,
- Antenna Design, IOT
- Renewable Energy and Communication Systems.
Maximum 2 members per team. Paper should not exceed 6 pages. Time duration : 7 mins (5 mins for presentation +2 mins for queries). Selected participants should bring two hard copies of the paper on the day of symposium. Soft copy should be submitted at the registration desk. (Pendrive) Soft copy of Paper should be submitted on or before 28.01.2018. Kindly include a valid email ID and your mobile number along with the paper. The selected papers will be intimated on 30.01.2018 by email.
2. Project Drive (ECE,EEE,E&I,CSE&IT)
Maximum 4 members per team. Send the Soft copy of Project abstract and circuit diagram on or before 28.01.2018. Kindly include a valid email ID and your mobile number along with the abstract of the project. The selected Project will be intimated on 30.01.2018 by email.
3. Circuit Trix (ECE,EEE,E&I)
Circuit Trix contains two rounds
Selection Round :-
- Maximum two members per team.
- Preliminary level consist of Technical test
- Time duration 10 minutes.
Final Round:-
Selected teams will be given faulty circuits to be rectified within the time frame.
4. Think and Link (Common to All Department )
- Maximum two participants per team.
- Think and link will satisfy the curious vigor of spiraling queues and give back memories to treasure for a lifetime. Therefore, we call upon budding engineers, Creator, innovators and technologists to be the harbinger of change and melt their brains in the pot full of competitions which seek the knack of acting upon mean machines and thinking on one’s feet and make Think and link a grand victory as always.
5. Catch the Match (Common to All Department)
- Maximum two participants per team.
- The preliminary round will be a written questionnaire.
- Catch the Match Politics, Sports and General issues.
6. Chase the Race (Common to All Department)
- Maximum two participants per team.
Chase the Race ruling party on Present trends in technology, Current affairs, Discoveries, Scientists and scientific innovations.
Scope of the Workshop
This course has emphasis to provide a platform for interaction and to discuss about the recent advances, new paradigms, technological trends and challenges in the field of IOT & Embedded Systems. Also this course provides an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas on the topics of importance along with thought provoking technical sessions like real time project training in Arduino micro-controller with IOT.
Topics to be covered
- Introduction to Embedded Systems and IOT
- Exposure to Micro-Controller architectures
- Input & Output Configurations
- IOT Connectivity Technologies
- Line follower Robotics
Limited Seat only – 50 Seats, Hurry Up
Registration Fee
UG/PG Students: Rs.350/-
The registration fee should be drawn in favour of “The Principal, Selvam College of Technology” payable at Namakkal. Registration fee includes refreshments, working lunch, certificate of participation. No TA/DA will be paid.
Head of the Department,
Department of ECE,
Selvam College of Technology,
Salem Road (NH 7),Ponnusamy Nagar, Pappinaickenpatti Post,