MNRE Sponsored 2 Days National Level Seminar.
days0 -2 hours 0 -4 minutes -4 -4 seconds -3 -9 Until Seminar Departs
This National level seminar program aims to bring the Academicians, Practicing Engineers, Research Scholars and Budding Engineers, together for discussing the bio-fuels technology for sustainable renewable energy system. It is an emerging field that could potentially make a major impact to sustainable energy.
Bio-fuels are renewable and sustainable energy sources of biological origin derived from biomass. They can be solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. Liquid bio-fuels are being developed as substitutes for petrol and diesel. Ethanol and bio-diesel are regarded as the first generation bio-fuels. The second generation bio-fuels are based on sustainable feed-stock. The second generation bio-fuels include cellulosic ethanol, bio‐hydrogen etc. Sustainability of the feed-stock is considered in terms of its availability, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and effects on biodiversity and land use. In general, bio-fuels are considered to be carbon‐neutral as the carbon accumulated in the plants by the fixation of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis is released when the bio-fuel is burnt. There has been active interest throughout the world in finding suitable bio-fuel crops and in development of improved processes and systems for their optimal utilization.
Seminar Hall, Selvam College of Technology
Namakkal-637003, Tamilnadu.
Accommodation will be provided to the participants in Selvam College of Technology on first come first served basis.
Resource Persons
1.Dr.S.Albert Alexander,
Assistant Professor (Sr.G)
Department of EEE,
Kongu Engineering College,
2. Dr.V.Sivasubramanian
Associate Professor Dept. of Chemical Engineering National Institute of Technology Calicut
Kozhikode Kerala 673 601, India
3. Dr.I.Ganesh Moorthy,
Associate Professor,
Department of Bio Technology,
Kamarajar College of Engg & Technology,
Address for Communication
The Co-ordinator, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal-637003,
Tamilnadu, India. Ph: +91- 4286-645602, Web: www.selvamtech.com
Email – deaneee@selvamtech.com, prabhakaran.eee@selvamtech.com
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