Hands on Training – “Biofuel From Marine Algae”
The Department of Biotechnology, Selvam College of Technology, Namakkal, organised a Hands on Traning on “Biofuel From Marine Algae” on 08.11.2024 & 09.11.2024. The training was inaugurated on 08.11.2024 in the ISDTP Seminar Hall in the august presence of Dr. P. Selvaraj, Chairman of Selvam Group of Institutions, Dr. B. KaviethraNandhini, Secretary, Selvam Group of Institutions and Mr.M.Karthik Executive Director Selvam College of technology.
Dr. A.Jegan, Principal, addressed the students. Dr.M.Thenmozhi, Head of the Department, welcomed the gathering. Er.GM.Srinivasan, Managing Director, Galileovasan offshore & Research and Development Pvt. Ltd., graced the occasion as a resource person. A MoU was signed and the hands on training session was conducted on “Biofuel from Marine algae”. All the students of the Department of Biotechnology participated and benefited from the programme and they learned the process of Biofuel production, Biopaint Production and morphological analysis of microbes using digital microscope. At the end of the programme, a valedictory function was conducted and the students were awarded with the Certificate of Participation.