Guest Lecture on “Mastering the Basics on Linear Algebra and Calculus for Exam Success”
The Department of Science and Humanities, Selvam College of Technology, organized a Guest Lecture Programme on “Mastering the Basics on Linear Algebra and Calculus for Exam Success” on 30.11.2024 for the I-Year students. Dr.P.Selvaraj, Chairman of Selvam Educational Institutions, presided over the inaugural function in the august presence of Dr.B.Kaviethra Nandhini, Secretary of Selvam Educational Institutions and Mr.M.Karthik, Executive Director of Selvam College of Technology. Dr.A.Jegan, Principal, addressed the students. Mrs.R.Babysalini, I-Year Academic Coordinator & Head of the Department welcomed the gathering.
Dr.G.Suganthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sona College of Technology, Salem honoured the event as the resource person. The session was started by giving an introduction of mathematics, “The Golden Ratio”. The lecture on Eigen values and Eigen vectors of real matrix helped our students to learn in depth about it. Moreover, the Q&A session made our students to actively interact. Particularly, she taught the students to solve the problems by using shortcuts in calculator. Especially, how to remember the etiquettes in Vector space and its properties. The mathematical techniques for Engineers helped the students to apply in their real life. She stated, “Differential Calculus and Integral is the hero of Mathematics”. The guest lecture focused on key concepts in Mathematics with an emphasis on preparing the students for upcoming exams. She presented the material in a clear and structured manner to ensure that students could grasp the most important topics likely, Diagonalization of real symmetric matrices and Taylor’s series for their exams. She emphasized on how to approach complex problems in the exam. The session was highly informative and was helpful for the students.