Guest Lecture on “E-Waste and Its Management”
The Department of Science and Humanities, Selvam College of Technology, organized a Guest Lecture Programme on “E-Waste and its Management” on 29.11.2024 for the I-Year students. Dr.P.Selvaraj, Chairman of Selvam Educational Institutions, presided over the inaugural function in the august presence of Dr.B.Kaviethra Nandhini, Secretary of Selvam Educational Institutions and Mr.M.Karthik, Executive Director of Selvam College of Technology. Dr.A.Jegan, Principal, addressed the students. Mrs.R.Babysalini, I-Year Academic Coordinator & Head of the Department welcomed the gathering.
Dr.C.Arivazhagan, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Trichy honoured the event as a resource person. He started the session by defining E-Waste and demonstrated how the environment gets polluted by the E-Waste particles. Moreover, he explained the harmful chemical particles in it. The 2022 E-Waste census helped the students to gain the knowledge and about the Confidential E- Waste. E- Waste become as environmental crisis. He shared about water treatment and importance of 4R (reduce, reuse, recycle and recover waste). Moreover, Electro Chemistry and Corrosion helped our students to know more about the electrodes, capacitors and importance to prevent corrosion.
The guest lecture focused on key concepts in chemistry with an emphasis on preparing students for upcoming exams. He presented the material in a clear and structured manner to ensure that students could grasp the most important topics electro chemistry and corrosion for their exams. He emphasized on how to approach complex problems in the examination. The session was highly informative and beneficial for the students.