Awareness Programme on “GATE”
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering & the Department of Mechanical Engineering jointly organized an Awareness Programme on “GATE” Exam, in virtual mode on 17.02.2025, Tuesday. Dr.P.Selvaraj, Chairman of Selvam Educational Institutions, presided over the function. The function was conducted in the august presence of Dr.B.Kaviethra Nandhini, Secretary and Mr.M.Karthik, Executive Director.
Dr.A.Jegan, Principal addressed the students. Mr.M.Ravichandran, Head, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, welcomed the gathering. The Resource Person, Mr. N.Jayaprakash, Asst. Manager – Marketing, ACE Engineering Academy, Hyderabad, highlighted the Understanding of the Exam Pattern & Syllabus, Conceptual Clarity, Regular Practice & Mock Tests, Leading Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) Recruitment like ONGC, BHEL, IOCL and NTPC recruitment through GATE. The students of Electrical and Electronics Engineering department had a productive and enriching experience during the session. Everyone actively participated in the Webinar and enhanced their skills.