National level technical symposium on biotechnology in 21st century BIOSEL’14.
A National Level Technical Symposium on Biotechnology in 21st Century – Biosel’14 on March 14, 2014.
- Team members must not exceed two.
- Presentation should not exceed 10 minutes including queries.
- A4 size. 4 pages maximum (Font: Times new roman, Size:12)
- All participants should be registered through mail/post.
- Judge’s decision would be final.
- Team members must not exceed two.
- Presentation must be relevant to the topic.
- Presentation must be completed before the given time.
- Presentation should not exceed 5 minutes including queries.
- All participants must bring the necessary things.
- One hard copies and one soft copy on CD.
- Judge’s decision would be final.
- Team members must not exceed two.
- Questions are from Bio-Technology and other relevant fields.
- Final decision would be based on the Quiz score.