13th Annual Day Celebrations.
13th Annual Day was held on 16th February 2019 at 10:00 am. Mr. S. Sarath Chandar, HR -Manager, (Recruitment & Retention), IVTL Infoview Technologies (P) Ltd, Chennai, has consented as the chief guest of the function and delivered the chief guest address. The function was presided by Dr. P.Selvaraj, Chairman of the Selvam group of institutions, Trustee Mrs. Jayam Selvaraj, Vice Chairman Dr. S. Babu, Secretary Dr. Kaviethra Nandhini Babu, and Principal Dr. A.Natarajan welcomed the gathering and unveiled our annual report for the academic year(2018-2019).Dr.R.Sasikumar Director-Research addressed the gathering about the achievements in Research. Chief Guest motivated the students by his speech in the concept of Industry Expectation and Skill gap to meet success in their career. The session continued with prize distribution for various events and various cultural programmes were held. End of the eventDr.A.Jayaseelan, HOD-MBA has delivered the vote of thanks. Finally, the Annual Day Celebration comes to an end with our National Anthem.