The inauguration of SPARK Association of the department of EEE was held on 24th July 2015 at 10.00 AM in Mechanical Seminar Hall. Welcome address was delivered by Mr. M.Prabakaran, Final year, Secretary, Spark association, Department of EEE. The function …
days0 1 hours 0 0 minutes 1 4 seconds 2 3 Registration Form We Need Your Feedback Please take a few minutes and tell us the good and bad parts of our service. Submit your feedback now
days0 0 hours 0 0 minutes 4 9 seconds 5 5 Until Symposium departs Important dates Last date to submit Paper: 13th Feb, 2015 Intimation of selected papers: 16th Feb, 2015 Date of Event: 20th Feb, 2015 Event Description: Technical …
days0 -2 hours 0 -4 minutes -4 -4 seconds -3 -9 Until Seminar Departs RECENT TRENDS IN BIO-FUELS TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEM. This National level seminar program aims to bring the Academicians, Practicing Engineers, Research Scholars and Budding Engineers, together …
Remote Center Name: Selvam College of Technology. Remote Center ID: RC1315. Course Content and Scope A Model course plan proposed for “Control Systems” is given below: Module 1: Basic Concepts: Introduction and significance of Control Systems; Closed and open loop …
SCOPE OF THE WORKSHOP The objective of this Workshop is to impart theoretical knowledge in the field of fundamentals of AC&DC Drives, selection ,operation, control, applications and maintenance of Electrical Drives and also to enhance the knowledge of the young …
Central Government Sponsored “NSDC-National Skill Development Corporation –Star program” training by UTL Technologies, Bangalore is going to be start from 30.07.2014 to 14.08.2014 in our campus. S.NO COURSE ROLE STUDENTS DURATION 1 Field Technician & Networking storage III YEAR ECE …
The inaugural function of “SPARK”, the Association of Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering is going to be held on @ 10:00 AM on Friday 18th July 2014