Selvam College of Technology is supported by V.Ponnusamy Educational and Charitable Trust. Dr.P.Selvaraj a veteran poultry scientist is the Managing Trustee of the trust. He is pioneer in the Poultry Industry and responsible for putting Namakkal in the Poultry Map of India. To help the rural communities he started eleven Educational Institutions. In this background he started this Engineering College with a Motto of producing self confident world class engineers.
V.Ponnusamy Educational and Charitable Trust, which was formed in the fond memory of his late father in 2000. Education has been a prime importance for every nation for its sustainable development and security. Though Indian Education Policy (IEP) have been formed way back in 1968 and evolving from time to time, even today we could see that Inida’s economic growth suffer from poor education system impedes on technology development of the country. Denison, analyzing the development of American economy, states that technology, education, economic scale and efficient allocation of resources as the main factors in maximizing a countries economy.
However, right from the beginning, emphasis have been given for science and technology, which have resulted in a number of universally recognized institutions, like the IITs and the IIMs. The National Educational systems are the University Grants Commission (UGC), the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and the Indian Medical Council (IMC). But at the same time it has also the largest number of world’s illiterates which has become a major concern of India’s vision 2020. It is also pertinent to mention that this is not only the case of India this issue is also an universal problem where United State of Amercia have emphasised through Millennium Development Goal agreement with 189 countries in September 2003 to combat universal illiteracy at least by half in 2015. In this juncture much remains to be done to improve both the quality and quantity of education in the country and at all levels and there are many obstacles to be faced at each step. In the light of the above Dr. P. Selvaraj, a veteran poultry scientist, in the present context of globalization and realizing the need for quality education in the country following the national educational policy he registered a trust in the name of his beloved father as V. PONNUSAMY EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE TRUST and created a number of Educational Intuitions as SELVAM EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (SEI) Through this he supports the nation with quality educational institutions ranging from primary education to the post-graduation level.