Course Mode: Full time
Course Duration: 4 Years
Sanctioned Intake: 60
ECE department attributes in creating leaders with technical skills, discipline with quality values and culture to do research and to contribute the society with human values and integrity.
- To produce disciplined, outstanding and talented students.
- To become them as a world class excellence in academic and research aspects.
- To make them experts in the field of ECE and to meet the global needs.
- To enable the students to contribute for the betterment of the society.
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering established in year 2006 under the control of Anna University, Chennai. The department includes well equipped laboratories and highly qualified faculty members. The mission of the department is to induce the student with up to date technologies and encouraging them to participate in Seminars, Paper presentation, Conferences and In -plant training. The target of our department is to achieve our goals by being as ligament.
- Programme of study UG – B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) started in the year of 2006 now with intake of 120 seats which is certified with ISO 9001:2008.
- Programme of study PG – M.E Applied Electronics started with 18 + 2(part time) seats from the year of 2012.
- We are the department of ECE by training the students to get patents of their projects.
- Motivating the students to publish their paper in high impact journal.
- As we have the E-PORTAL, NPTEL Videos, MOOC, COURSERA, GOOGLE CLASS ROOM for E-Learning source for our students.
- In the year of 2011-2012 “SYSTEM FOR THE GENERATION OF ELECTRICITY USING THE MOVEMENT OF VEHICLES” patent has filed application number1479/CHE/2012.
- In the year of 2020 august next patent which is titled as “A SYSTEM AND METHOD OF PLANTING AND BREEDING BASED ON IOT WITH LOUD SERVICE FLOW METHOD IN AGRICULTURE” was applied.
- Fully equipped ECE department Laboratories