The library is situated in the first floor of the college. This library was established in the year 2006 with 5000 books. Presently, it accommodates 29876 books for the benefit of the students. There are 115 National journals and 25 magazines in this library.

The library functions with LIPS-i-NET software system with barcode scanning facility. The documents in the library are bar-coded for circulation purposes.

The students and staff should enroll their roll number in the E-Gate system while entering the library.

Open access system is followed in the library which is browser friendly.


The library has OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) to provide details of its resources. Users can search details about books, periodicals, CDs, question bank, Compliment books, periodical compact disks, floppy disks, and audio cassettes within the library. The various search schemes are:

  1. Title wise search
  2. Author wise search
  3. Publisher wise search
  4. Accession number wise search
  5. Call number wise search
  6. Edition wise search
  7. ISBN wise search