Industrial visit/training to RGCB-Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology, Kerala on 05.09.2016.
Industrial visit/training to CFTRI-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore on 02.09.2016.
by Mr.C.K.Kumaravel CEO & Co-Founder of “Naturals” on 30.08.2016 in Mechanical Seminar Hall at 11.00 am He Says “Achieving People won’t Discuss Discussing People Won’t Achieve”
Held at TSM Jain Engineering College, Kallakurachi on 31.08.16
Two day national level workshop on smart grid was held on 18th & 19th of Aug 2016, organised by department of EEE. Principal address was given by Dr. R. Prabhu, Principal and welcome address by Mrs. K. Vidyavathi, Associate professor …